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Inglese >> Competizioni

Incredible!!! (South American Champions League Final) (3)

pal N10 >> giovedì maggio 5 - 20:16, Modificato giovedì maggio 5 - 20:54
Hi all

The South American Champions League has arrived to final game, but most impressive is that finalist teams are the same country (Colombia), Latin Kings and Galactic Shooter will play the final Something similar happens in reality because the Champions League final Atlético and Real Madrid are finalists It is a case very few times seen in RS and not if the other confederations have been given a similar case, if anyone knows any case you can comment.
pal N10
co Deportivo Dynamo
eng Stephen >> giovedì maggio 5 - 20:25
The all-Israeli Euro Champions Lg Final, perhaps?
eng Stephen
Amministratore capo
eng Seaburn Beach
pal N10 >> giovedì maggio 5 - 20:53
The same season, very curious.
pal N10
co Deportivo Dynamo