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Inglese >> Proposte

Adjust the highest price sold to the bank and the lowest price for the first sale (34)

il Numpty >> mercoledì luglio 28 - 14:25

Agreed. He was never worth that amount.

The whole market value thing is not fit for purpose. It either grossly overvalues most players or undervalues them. 

The only thing it's useful for is farming.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng holt >> venerdì luglio 30 - 12:32, Modificato venerdì luglio 30 - 12:32

Highly doubt it. I had checked the prices during that time and surprisingly keepers fitting those criteria didn't go below 60 million euros.

Good keepers aren't cheap.

eng holt
pii >> venerdì luglio 30 - 13:02
i checked similar gk at 12-15 star value, age 30y-35y to replace my best gk i sold, i was only willing to offer max $40m, the ones i saw has no bidder and over valued asking price.
$84m is lucky money or much for that keeper,
il Numpty >> venerdì luglio 30 - 14:05, Modificato venerdì luglio 30 - 14:15

Because the mid-season transfer window only lasts for 4 days you'll struggle to find any good player selling much below $50 million or it's equivalent in Euros. [Unless they're still youngsters and largely untrained, or they're 30-ish and on the decline.] 

Any player who starts with a max value of $500 million and listed at 50% ($250m) will be selling at $128million after 3 reductions. You could then make an underbid of a little over $100 million. You can't buy or sell for less than that.

So it's impossible to buy any player for under $50 million during the mid-season window if his in-game market value is over $250 million. Which is one of the reasons for this thread in the first place.

This effectively rules out buying 'mid range' players during the mid-season window unless you're desperate and willing to pay over their true value. Transferring low value or high value players is less of a problem because they don't need days of reductions.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets