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Inglese >> Discussioni generali

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10414)

eng Yid >> giovedì luglio 14 - 12:56
So in this game distance from goal is more or less irelivent a player has the same chance of scoring from just outside the box as he does from the half way line which is fair enough as that works both ways. I have a keeper with good blocking and also I had dueling bonus as playing counter atack but maybe i conceaded that goal more because my keeper also had the blocking penalty so mote susceptible to a free kick maybe
eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
eng Yid >> giovedì luglio 14 - 14:09
Ooops no i had a dueling penalty but blocking bonus not used to these new options yet lol so that may explain conceding the free kick lol. Definatly something to consider when playing counter attack lol. My main frustration though was still 18 shots but no goals
eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
hr Eddie >> giovedì luglio 14 - 14:18
It depends on power for long distance shots.
hr Eddie
tr Mavi >> giovedì luglio 14 - 21:44
3 of my players tired at least 24 hours because of national teams. I also have same problems on my national team, managers are grumbling. I have almost my entire team on national teams, this is getting bigger and bigger problem for me. Especially on busy days when clashing with european games.
We need health center for national teams or reduced fatigue.

I dont think i am only one have these fatigue problems.
tr Mavi
ee Taavi >> giovedì luglio 14 - 23:04
Whenever i need my NT player to be fit i just tire torres's players more
ee Taavi
Amministratore della Comunità
ee FC Pusa
us Peter >> venerdì luglio 15 - 00:11
My Nicaraguan midfielder played an extraordinary NT match, making 6 out of 11 crosses. And yet he didn't get an assist.

His name was Furchi.
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us valentine >> venerdì luglio 15 - 09:45

My No.1 playmaker got a bizarre injury at 90min against USA national team, probably hurt by my own player Mok, and perfectly missed the Club World Cup final.
us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds
nz Luke Broadcast >> venerdì luglio 15 - 10:55
alright, not frustrated, just posting here to continue a discussion with Eddie:

'settle for a draw' seems to outpower 'play to win'

im at home, stronger team, 'play to win', 2 shots
away team, weaker, 'settle for a draw', 6 shots

waiting for second half :D certainly the tension is there!
nz Luke Broadcast
nz Luke Broadcast >> venerdì luglio 15 - 11:06
i do not get along with match plan just yet...

okay, the challenge is on!
nz Luke Broadcast
ee Taavi >> venerdì luglio 15 - 11:08, Modificato venerdì luglio 15 - 11:13
Veenus looks really strong this season , you got some competition :D Tartu and Kosmos are weaker then before though

Already frustrated about reports , says i will get a positive result today , but im very sure i will get owned
ee Taavi
Amministratore della Comunità
ee FC Pusa
eng Monk >> venerdì luglio 15 - 15:36
@Mavi & @Dragontao

Both of you have massively better teams than me, although I too have problems with international players coming back to the Monastery hardly able to stand.

I see the problem differently though as I think there are opportunities within the game already to minimise these effects. I could improve my health centre further from level 7 to 10 and that reduces fatigue by another 30%, which will make a difference. Also I can train endurance higher which means players get less tired during games. I suspect if my players ever get to play more games in Europe as well as internationals then I will need to take a greater account of their endurance levels. Until then I'm stuck, like you, to squad rotation. :-/
eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
tr Mavi >> venerdì luglio 15 - 15:43
Problem is Monk, national teams dont have a health center. Which means their fatigue drops like there is 0 level health center. Maybe Vincent can connect those players fatigue to club's health center. An easy solution to make everyone happy.
tr Mavi
eng Monk >> venerdì luglio 15 - 16:46
Thank you. I didn't realise that. I think what you say there is perfect sense. The current situation is clearly not right.

Perhaps different countries should have different levels of health centre (which might stop countries like the Cook Islands having more professional footballers than their actual population!). No offence to the Cook Islands.
eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
us Peter >> sabato luglio 16 - 17:00
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers