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Inglese >> Domande

how built a bigger stadium (96)

it Dicklcheese >> mercoledì agosto 26 - 21:40

should i hire new staff for fans shop?

what about finance, there's a staff memeber that make it made more money?

it Dicklcheese
ga Mandji Ebony Star
il Numpty >> mercoledì agosto 26 - 21:54

You've got Stadium 9 with Fan shop 8 and Catering 8 with no staff. 

I would build another level on Fan shop and Catering and get Catering staff. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
it Dicklcheese >> giovedì agosto 27 - 10:01

i need a bigger office?

it Dicklcheese
ga Mandji Ebony Star
il Numpty >> giovedì agosto 27 - 10:23, Modificato giovedì agosto 27 - 11:19

Not right now. It's a matter of priorites.

The advantage of Office 9 is 1 more staff, 1 extra squad space, 0.5% extra interest and 0.5% lower transfer costs. You probably won't benefit from these right now as you're not employing full staff or a full squad or have a large enough bank account. 

Employing catering staff and building another level will give a large boost to your match income.

Personally I would build the fan shop first. 

The fanshop level largely determines your popularity growth rate. You don't need extra popularity right now as you would get roughly 100,000 attendance against a bot (with the 20% live bonus). But you will need it for Stadium 11 and to some extent for Stadium 10.

With Stadium 9 you probably don't need a Stadium staff member at your current popularity level. He's not doing anything useful and costing you money. 

Finally choose where to put your second staff member. 

Double staff either:

  • Catering for maximum immediate income
  • Fan shop for maximum popularity growth
  • Construction for maximum building speed
  • TC for max training rate
  • YC for better youths

Whichever you prefer.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
it Dicklcheese >> venerdì agosto 28 - 08:58

should i fire the stadium stafff? than it will cost me money to hire a new one and train to maximum level

it Dicklcheese
ga Mandji Ebony Star
il Numpty >> venerdì agosto 28 - 09:46

No, don't fire him. Absolutely not. Just use the re-assign option and remove him, which will put him on 50% wages. You can put him back when you build the next stadium.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets