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Inglese >> Proposte

Message system (3)

ca magic_roy >> sabato agosto 24 - 12:40
It would be nice as National Team manager, to be able to send a message to all managers in our league at once. So we could send out notices to all, or ask their opinions.
ca magic_roy
lv Tamaz >> sabato agosto 24 - 16:20

well good idea :
so NT managers cud inform - with players are top priority for National team etc.
lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
ar Gabrielorco >> domenica agosto 25 - 01:18
Hi magic_roy, I know that you have asked about MESSAGE, but for now, maybe you can post some of the information in Canada's Forum:

I know, it's not so private but I hope it can be useful for you now.

I would like that option too =)
ar Gabrielorco