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Inglese >> Proposte

Award for Managers (3)

be Samtizzy >> giovedì marzo 14 - 00:50

I don't know if this is possible, but I think managers should be getting a award in their league, just like best player of the season in a league or level, so you guys should consider it having a award for best manager:military_medal:️:military_medal:️:military_medal:️ of the season

be Samtizzy
ee Balthazor >> giovedì marzo 14 - 05:21

But how to determine best manager? Just for league win? If you win a league(top 3), on your manager profile it will be mentioned and in club's museum too. But it doesn't mean that he is really best manager- having just best players or managing good place with average players?

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
uy Awful >> giovedì marzo 14 - 07:55

nice idea ! i would love to get rewards like this

we just need system who calculate team strenght,  power rankings, and point counting system individualy for manager  .  that even can help avoid given away games near season end that we see so often .

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC