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Inglese >> Domande

Postpone NT matches (8.5h diff between voting and playing) (4)

vu Amun-Ra >> venerdì aprile 26 - 23:13
Sunday 02:00 NT vote deadline

Monday 10:35 Belgium vs. Egypt
Monday 16:36 Belgium vs. Switserland

This means I'll be appointed NT coach after 2am Monday morning and I'll have to prepare a game in about 8,5 hours later.

I'll probably have to research for players (Cant do that now since it's impossible to find all Belgian players all over the world), call them up, analyse the opponent's players (I guess their teams will differ from the squad they have now since a human player will be appointed NT coach) and make a formation I deem suitable.

And this times 2.

I work on Monday from 11am until at least 6pm so I'm kinda screwed and the NT with me. I'm willing to sacrifice 1 or 2 hours of sleep, but of course you notice this isnt an ideal scenario and I would like to ask the developers to move those international matches at least 1 day further so we can have some realistic time to prepare for those matches.
vu Amun-Ra
nl R >> sabato aprile 27 - 08:38
Read the times again,

Sunday 02:00

Monday 10:35,

thats not 8h35 min difference, thats 32 hours and 35 mins difference :p
nl R
ug Hakuna Matata
cn protein >> sabato aprile 27 - 11:12
Yeah you actually have over a day to decide the line-ups of your national matches. Also you are not able to do anyting else like scout/recruit players for your national team or remove old players from the team at this stage. I suppose since the players' selection is done by the system so you can just user the pre-selected members this season for Interland matches.

Don't get too worried Pepe. :)
cn protein
vu Amun-Ra >> sabato aprile 27 - 13:58
yes, I was confused this morning. 1 day is ok. I can manage that :P
vu Amun-Ra