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Inglese >> Discussioni generali

The Chronicles of Davo (63)

au davo >> mercoledì febbraio 23 - 11:34

Hello fellow managers,

I received a hugely distressing piece of personal news today. After suffering a complete failure of the use of my right arm, I have just been diagnosed with brain cancer. There is no estimate of how long I have got left yet, as I need a biopsy to determine the precise type of cancer. Hopefully it will be a reasonable length of time, but I will keep playing until the end.

I guess it will be apparent when that it has beaten me when I leave and never return. Hopefully I still have plenty of seasons in me, but I have no idea really.

au davo
il Numpty >> mercoledì febbraio 23 - 11:46

That's really awful news Davo. 

I can only hope and pray that it's not aggressive and not very advanced and that it can be treated and/or managed successfully. 

I would very much welcome a PM from you if you would like to chat.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ca Alex Seymour >> giovedì febbraio 24 - 00:05

Bloody hell Davo I'm sorry to hear this. I'm totally lost for words.

Medical science has made incredible strides and cancer is not always the death sentence it used to be mate. I'm hoping for some positive news when you get further diagnosis.

I believe you're one of the Sunday League original gangsters that came across here when we left that game right?

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
ua Garfman >> giovedì febbraio 24 - 08:02

My goodness, so sorry to hear about this, Davo. Just hoping and praying that the news will be good in the end and that it's going to be treatable. Take care, mate.

ua Garfman
Capo Amministratore della Comunità.
ph Garfman FC
nl Counter_Culture >> giovedì febbraio 24 - 08:16

I'm shocked to hear this Davo, really don't know what to say... I'm wishing you all the best in the difficult times to come, for you and also your family and friends.... And of course hoping you can beat this thing! Take care.

nl Counter_Culture
eng holt >> giovedì febbraio 24 - 08:39

At a complete loss of words.

I sincerely hope that you can beat this menace. May good fortune shine upon you once again.

eng holt
ua Kalle >> giovedì febbraio 24 - 09:26

I have no words for it Davo. I wish you all the strength, love, care and luck in the world!

ua Kalle
nl PEC Zwolle
ee Taavi >> giovedì febbraio 24 - 09:52

You will get through this!

ee Taavi
Amministratore della Comunità
ee FC Pusa
au davo >> giovedì febbraio 24 - 11:14

Thanks everyone. It means a lot to read your comments.

au davo
hu LosPelocos >> giovedì febbraio 24 - 12:23

You'll be healthy soon! 

hu LosPelocos
ls In Memoriam Davo
ir amirhosein >> venerdì giugno 30 - 08:04

I hope he is fine but as I see long time he is offline.

ir amirhosein
ir Crown of Asia
il Numpty >> venerdì giugno 30 - 09:14

I have chatted with Davo about his illness occasionally via PM. Although I think it's been a few months since the last message. 

I don't have a lot of detail but it's not good news I'm afraid. I can only hope and pray that this is just a short term blip while he's having treatment and he will return at some point. But I fear the worst. 

As far as I know the cancer is not curable and any treatable is likely to be palliative.

I believe that the depressing reality is he will continue to deteriorate and it's just a matter of time.  The timescales are probably not going to be years. Fortunately he has a good family support network. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> venerdì giugno 30 - 09:39

Just to add that I'm very reluctant to share what Davo has told me in private about his illness.  Especially on a public forum. 

But given the nature of the illness if anyone wants a bit more info then please feel free to send me a PM.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> domenica luglio 2 - 23:15, Modificato lunedì luglio 3 - 09:27

How could anyone be so cruel. The man has a terminal illness.

That is easily the sickest post you've ever made. If it was up to me I'd give you a straight ban from the whole game. 

You really are a shit!

[Edit - Was reply to Siege's now deleted post.]

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets