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Inglese >> Discussioni generali

Decrease facilities (5)

pl Tomplus >> venerdì marzo 8 - 13:01
What will happen if the budget will be the facilities negative? Levels will be able to turn off or demolish?

Good manager not allow for this, but more managers will be buy new facillites and the expenses will higher than income.

What will happen?
pl Tomplus
pl Sarmacja Będzin
nl Vincent de Boer >> venerdì marzo 8 - 13:28
You will get negative money. You'll pay 12% interest per season on your debts. Facilities are never downgraded. I am thinking about allowing this but it's not a high priority.

It's not easy to go bankrupt though since the board won't let you upgrade facilities when your daily income doesn't seem to allow it.
nl Vincent de Boer
Sviluppatore capo
pl Tomplus >> venerdì marzo 8 - 15:57
Ok, thanks, it is very important information :)
pl Tomplus
pl Sarmacja Będzin
jp sushieater >> venerdì marzo 8 - 20:23
Can be negative easily. I got daily sponsor money. Upgrade a building and the remaing money was less than my daily cost.
jp sushieater
nl Vincent de Boer >> sabato marzo 9 - 07:03
Yes, getting a little negative is easy, going bankrupt isn't though. You probably got into positive money quickly because of sponsor money.
nl Vincent de Boer
Sviluppatore capo