Campionato Isole Vanuatu stagione 65

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Discuti sul tuo campionato, chi sono i favoriti per vincere il campionato questa stagione? Chi sarà promosso/retrocesso, come stai andando in coppa?

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Discussion ! (2)

nu Dadou >> giovedì novembre 21 - 17:51
I create this subject in order to can communicate between us :)

Tell what you think about the game, about this championship, about your team, about the other team ! Ot again your prediction for this year or for next year, if you need a player (midfielder, attack, goalkeeper...)

Good game at all :)
nu Dadou
be Gerben_d_b >> mercoledì novembre 27 - 19:13
Last 10 games of the season!!
be Gerben_d_b