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Tai yra bendras Anglų diskusijų forumas. Rašydami šiame forume, privalote naudoti šią kalbą. Pranešimai, parašyti kita kalba, gali būti ištrinti be perspėjimo. Šis forumas suskaidytas į skiltis, skirtas skirtingoms temoms bei tikslams aptarinėti. Prašome žaidimo klaidas pranešti žaidimo klaidų skiltyje bei gerai apgalvoti, kur rašysite kitus savo pranešimus.

Anglų >> Bendros diskusijos

Supertalents (2334)

ro beresc >> trečiadienis rugsėjis 20 - 05:04


ro beresc
ro CSM Bucuresti
pl gruby >> ketvirtadienis liepa 25 - 08:48

I'll brag about it :) 

pl gruby
pl ★MZKS★ Czupakabra Słupsk★
be Eckhart >> ketvirtadienis liepa 25 - 16:43

nice one Gruby! Is going to be very expensive to maintain.

My last ST is:

Perfect for me! 

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
tr Kurt >> pirmadienis rugpjūtis 19 - 07:44

tr Kurt
tm Konyagücü Kurtları ►
eng ipfreely >> ketvirtadienis rugsėjis 12 - 17:29, Pataisyta ketvirtadienis rugsėjis 12 - 17:30

Well he's better than my last one at least (YA4). Should make a good NT player for US Virgin Is. Might go with a MID as I have some good young strikers.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
ee Balthazor >> penktadienis rugsėjis 13 - 18:31

If even YA4 will not guarantee you talent over 7 on ST then there is nothing strange that I never pulled player with talent 7 or more. Very possibly I'll never build even YA3 as it would end with financial struggle when trying to have also competitive team. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng ipfreely >> penktadienis rugsėjis 13 - 19:46, Pataisyta penktadienis rugsėjis 13 - 19:47

With Stadium 11, FA4/YA4 is easy to afford - especially if you get into Europe group stage.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
ee Balthazor >> sekmadienis rugsėjis 15 - 08:58

I just don't see point, when I can buy better player from market. Majority of my players are not good enough anyway and key players must be bought. Don't look my current one 😃it's transition between two generations, but as I failed to avoid EL qualification, I had to keep some old players to get some points in Europe this season. Ofcourse it will mean I'll get less money from my oldies than I could get previous off-season. My own ST are Ahjupera and Graudyn, both quite bad for ST but first one was saved thanks to abysmal level of Estonian mids: once put him on TM and then noticed that he is #4 mid in shortlist and one of top 3 was 32+ and was turned to staff soon. So he soon was  Estonian best mid when only #4 in club. Graudyn was unexpected and born 15+. Something will come, maybe in this year.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng ipfreely >> sekmadienis rugsėjis 15 - 15:20

They're a good base to build on IMO. Buy 3 or 4 YA5+ stars and sell a few trainees for decent money. YA2 definitely not worth keeping unless you're looking to go YA4 or 5, as Numpty has previously explained well.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers