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Anglų >> Bendros diskusijos

Transfer status for players (53)

nl Vincent de Boer >> sekmadienis kovas 18 - 13:04

Giving a transfer status to a player does not mean they will be auto-listed when someone makes a bid, nor was this ever the intention.

This should not be a surprise if you are posting in this topic because I said this in the first post of the topic (and the news article).

nl Vincent de Boer
Vyresnysis kūrėjas
si Osemka8 >> pirmadienis kovas 19 - 18:15

Is there something wrong or am I missing something, but the list of unlisted players is not beneath the listed ones anymore.

si Osemka8
si Pronix FC
hr Eddie >> trečiadienis kovas 21 - 13:27

You probbly set it on Transfer to exclude loans, but that locks out "status" players, also.

hr Eddie
tr Mavi >> trečiadienis kovas 21 - 13:31

yeah it doesnt show 'available for transfer' players  anymore

tr Mavi
nl Vincent de Boer >> trečiadienis kovas 21 - 13:36

Nothing was changed. It still shows them, but the table is only shown if at least one player matches the search criteria. There are probably much less players with a transfer status now that have not yet been put on the transfer list. You can just set an empty search tab to confirm that there still are players with a transfer status being shown.

nl Vincent de Boer
Vyresnysis kūrėjas