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Anglų >> Varžybos

League of the Philippines/NT of the Philippines (1416)

ua Garfman >> trečiadienis birželis 24 - 08:03
Thank you, sir! I'm happy to win the cup for the 11th time :-) That was a very successful start to the day! We're now in the U21 Champions Cup final against SC Rivierenwijk, a very strong team from the Netherlands. I hope I can make the Philippines proud!
ua Garfman
Head community admin
ph Garfman FC
ua Garfman >> penktadienis birželis 26 - 15:04
Unexpected loss for Holy Flora. Interesting. This makes the match on Monday the match of the season. Anything less than a win for me will result in an almost inevitable third title for Holy Flora. Game on!
ua Garfman
Head community admin
ph Garfman FC
ua Garfman >> Šeštadienis birželis 27 - 10:45
And things have changed again, I so hate this ME (4-20 shots, 1-1)....I think with 5 matches to go, we can safely say that the title will be going to Holy Flora, even if I win on Monday.
ua Garfman
Head community admin
ph Garfman FC
ph Flora >> Šeštadienis birželis 27 - 13:54
Haha ....
ph Flora
ph Holy Flora
ph 保级队求轻虐 >> Šeštadienis birželis 27 - 14:56
I think my team runs well these days,only one lose to Flora in the near 10 matches,and 7 wins/2 draws.My 10th training complex will finish 26 days popularity maybe 90w at the end of this season.haha~
ph 保级队求轻虐
ph 保级队求轻虐 >> Šeštadienis birželis 27 - 15:02
For the past few seasons,the average age of my team becomes younger and the average value of my main players improved to about 7.7 stars.But still too weak to challenge Garfman and Flora.but still satisfy!haha~
ph 保级队求轻虐
ua Garfman >> sekmadienis birželis 28 - 06:04
The only thing to do is to keep improving. You are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up :-)
ua Garfman
Head community admin
ph Garfman FC
ph 保级队求轻虐 >> sekmadienis birželis 28 - 13:38
my defender and goalkeeper are too weak.
ph 保级队求轻虐
ph 保级队求轻虐 >> sekmadienis birželis 28 - 14:00
T_T...loes to flora again in my home~I even can understand why my AM got so much yellow cards.
ph 保级队求轻虐
ua Garfman >> sekmadienis birželis 28 - 14:01
You should train him in correct. I have the same problem with my AM.
ua Garfman
Head community admin
ph Garfman FC
ph 保级队求轻虐 >> sekmadienis birželis 28 - 14:08
haha~wo score so many goals in our U21 matches.last time we met in U21,the score is 6-5,and this time is 4-5
ph 保级队求轻虐
ua Garfman >> sekmadienis birželis 28 - 14:29
I would like to officially congratulate Holy Flora on winning the title of the Philippines for the third time. Amazing job!
ua Garfman
Head community admin
ph Garfman FC
ph Flora >> sekmadienis birželis 28 - 14:39
win?no,donot over.
ph Flora
ph Holy Flora
ua Garfman >> sekmadienis birželis 28 - 14:46
No, it's over. You are not going to lose twice anymore. Your team is too strong for that :-)
ua Garfman
Head community admin
ph Garfman FC
ua Garfman >> pirmadienis birželis 29 - 13:33
Told you :-) Congratulations to Holy Flora! A well deserved champion!
ua Garfman
Head community admin
ph Garfman FC