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Anglų >> Klausimai

Player Transfer (4)

id Rio Rumpoko >> antradienis kovas 19 - 04:58

Hello, all.
I just bought a player at a price of around 460 billion rupiah.
after I managed to win the player's offer, there was a report saying that the transfer process had to wait for a review and approval from the administrator first because the price was too high.
My question is, how long do I have to wait?
Will this process take more than a week?
I really need that player for the Asian Champions League match.

id Rio Rumpoko
il Numpty >> antradienis kovas 19 - 10:16

This should normally happen within a few hours. 

You might find this thread helpful:

@ Admin, is there anything explaining this in the Help files? 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
tr Mavi >> antradienis kovas 19 - 13:58

This transfer is already through, little patience on night transfers please.

tr Mavi
id Rio Rumpoko >> antradienis kovas 19 - 20:06

ok thank you guys, it turns out the transfer was successful.
It's my first time experiencing this,
that's why I was a little surprised and panicked.

id Rio Rumpoko