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Anglų >> Bendros diskusijos

Ballon d'Or (4)

il דוד >> pirmadienis rugpjūtis 28 - 17:50

What do you think, every season we will rank the elite players and award the Ballon d'Or?

il דוד
hr The best team
us valentine >> antradienis rugsėjis 5 - 00:58, Pataisyta antradienis rugsėjis 5 - 01:00

Good call. My vote goes to Mathieu Burkholder, who won everything last season and is probably this game's best player (and the richest, undoubtedly).

us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds
ee Balthazor >> antradienis rugsėjis 5 - 18:42, Pataisyta antradienis rugsėjis 5 - 19:03

His wages + buying would ruin me with only one season...

I think his current club will remain his tombstone one day. Admins should change its name then as "FC Burkholder". 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
il Numpty >> antradienis rugsėjis 5 - 19:20, Pataisyta antradienis rugsėjis 5 - 20:30

He got fired a long time ago, but the award for the game's richest player goes to Roby Fiorini:

I wasn't aware of the issue at the time but this was actually a 'cheat' player with a massive load of extra xp. He was only 25 when he got fired and had around 1 million more xp than could be expected for his age and talent. The manager got what he deserved... 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets