Forumas: Anglų rss-feed

Tai yra bendras Anglų diskusijų forumas. Rašydami šiame forume, privalote naudoti šią kalbą. Pranešimai, parašyti kita kalba, gali būti ištrinti be perspėjimo. Šis forumas suskaidytas į skiltis, skirtas skirtingoms temoms bei tikslams aptarinėti. Prašome žaidimo klaidas pranešti žaidimo klaidų skiltyje bei gerai apgalvoti, kur rašysite kitus savo pranešimus.

Anglų >> Klausimai

NT game time 2 minutes away (6)

pl Ace >> Šeštadienis gegužė 25 - 09:38
I know our community has already discussed it before, but my national team plays on Monday at 19:40 and 19:42. I will not even have time to make squad adjustments if there are injuries. Is it really how reasonable to put the games in such a close time proximity? Game lasts ca. 12 minutes, so I will have to be watching two games at a time...
pl Ace
tw 小冠 >> pirmadienis gegužė 27 - 09:03

Chinese Taipei will play two matches in about 2 and half hours.

Is there any possibility to change match time arranged like this ?

By the logic of match schedule......

I guess the bot manager will put main squad against England and get players too tired to play qualification match against Turkmenistan ?
tw 小冠
nl Vincent de Boer >> pirmadienis gegužė 27 - 09:40
there seems to be a mistake with the interland times, it shouldn't be possible to have an interland and a real match in the same hour.

2.5 hours difference shouldn't be a problem.
nl Vincent de Boer
Vyresnysis kūrėjas
nl Vincent de Boer >> pirmadienis gegužė 27 - 09:43
I've rescheduled the second match for poland so it starts an hour later now.
nl Vincent de Boer
Vyresnysis kūrėjas
de niklas17 >> pirmadienis gegužė 27 - 14:41
16:14 mali vs. germany

17:22 germany vs. belgium

also just one hour between the matches
de niklas17
nl Vincent de Boer >> pirmadienis gegužė 27 - 16:55
that will stay possible, this shouldn't be a big problem since the interlands give less fatigue (like friendlies).

They just shouldn't be within the same hour.
nl Vincent de Boer
Vyresnysis kūrėjas