Forumas: Anglų rss-feed

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Anglų >> Klausimai

Goal Difference (3)

eng James >> pirmadienis birželis 17 - 06:16
Will goal difference be counted when deciding who goes through the champions and europa league group stages? It seems like a silly question, but earlier in the group I saw teams even on points and one with a lower GD was higher up than one team with a better goal difference.
eng James
at schorny >> pirmadienis birželis 17 - 06:35
In the Championsleague/Europa League the goal difference is not that important. Firstly the head to head points of the teams involved in a tie will be counted, then the head to head goals, then the away head to head goals and then finally the overall goal differences (then goals scored and the the UEFA coefficient points).

I assume here it is the same.
at schorny
eng James >> pirmadienis birželis 17 - 08:07
OK, just wondering
eng James