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Anglų >> Klausimai

midfielder penaltyspecialist (9)

be humpty >> penktadienis kovas 26 - 10:50

I would like to learn your opinion about this combination. I know that a midfielder penaltyspecialist will miss more penalties than a forward penaltyspecialist, but I reckon that he still will score most of them. And that way the forward doesn't have to play the rest of the game with a scoring penalty due to scoring a penalty. Did that make sense?  

Have a nice day. 

be humpty
be Schoten SK
il Numpty >> penktadienis kovas 26 - 11:45, Pataisyta penktadienis kovas 26 - 11:57

That's a really good question. 

A midfielder will use his passing for the penalty but a forward will get a whole ball extra.  This means that a midfielder with PS will be about as likely to score as a forward without it.  

It's probably not a bad idea because of the 0.5 scoring penalty.

The chance of the midfielder missing the penalty compared to the cost of the 0.5 scoring penalty given to a forward who scores will depend very much on the quality of the opponent.

If it's a very tough opponent and the forward may not score anyway it makes more sense to settle for him scoring a penalty. Take the goal while you can. If it's a fairly easy opponent and you hope to score a few goals then letting the midfielder take the pens increases your chance of winning by a bigger margin. 

The point of considering these 2 scenarios is that the midfielder taking the pens is only a big advantage in the matches that you are likely to win anyway.  The closer tougher matches where you might not score at all then it's better to have the forward taking them and make sure you score at least one.  

There may also be better alternatives such as having a forward with both PS and Sharpshooter, or replacing the forward after he scores. 


Just to add that so far I've played most of my matches in the bottom level against very weak bot teams and won most by a large margin. I often used 1 senior forward for the whole match and then used weaker youth forwards giving them a half each. I always gave the penalty duties to any youth forward who was going off at half time. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Counter_Culture >> penktadienis kovas 26 - 11:57

If you want to train a non-forward as a penalty specialist, why wouldn't you choose your goal keeper? A (good) goal keeper often has a higher skill in blocking than a midfielder has in passing because midfielders usually have more tactics. And that way you avoid giving your midfielder a 0,5 scoring penalty which gives him a bigger chance to score a "regular" goal.

nl Counter_Culture
il Numpty >> penktadienis kovas 26 - 11:59, Pataisyta penktadienis kovas 26 - 12:00


I had thought about doing that myself but it won't let you choose a keeper to take the penalties in the advanced tactics.  So that will only help you in the penalty shoot-outs which are infrequent.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Counter_Culture >> penktadienis kovas 26 - 12:01

Wow, didn't know that... Thanks Numpty.

nl Counter_Culture
il Numpty >> penktadienis kovas 26 - 12:09

No worries. It was an excellent point, which is why I'd previously considered doing it myself. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ca Alex Seymour >> penktadienis kovas 26 - 14:32

I gave one of my midfielders Penalty Specialist. I went through multiple shootouts and the match engine never ever chose him. Then after 5 seasons since the lengthy training, with the shoot out poised at 4-4, my man stepped up.....and missed. I guess Chris Waddle style.

I've thought about training my keeper to take penalties, but never got round to doing it and testing it. My keeper scores 75% of the ones he takes in shoot outs already though.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
il Numpty >> Šeštadienis kovas 27 - 12:02

I had a PM recently informing me that it's not even possible to train PS on a keeper. 

So I checked to see what specials can be trained for keepers. The list is very short and I believe that all that can be trained for a keeper is Correct,  C/Stopper, P/Stopper and Setting Walls. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> Šeštadienis kovas 27 - 12:49

@Alex Seymour - man that must have been annoying! I imagine him doing the Zaza run up before his moment of 'glory'.

eng Stephen
Vyresnysis administratorius
eng Seaburn Beach