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Season 24 Blog (16)

lv 薯片 >> sekmadienis gegužė 29 - 08:26
I have an idea to write everything about this season here. Share your ideas, future plans and everything about Season 24
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
br Ademir >> pirmadienis gegužė 30 - 21:47
My goals this season:

Finish in top 7 again to qualify to the continental competitions.
Build 50,000 places stadium
Qualify to the group stages at continental league (i was lucky and i'm playing with a bolivian bot team)
I want to see my next challenges before planning cup and continental league goals.

LeBruuns congratulations for your win at our game today.
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lv 薯片 >> antradienis gegužė 31 - 05:49

My goals this season :

Win U21 Cup, win league, regular cup - not that important but I'll do my best. As for Champions league - everything depends on draw. but I would like to get to at least 1/8 finals.
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
br Ademir >> trečiadienis birželis 1 - 23:09
The continental championships draw will be taked today, i made some math and i think i'll be at pot 2, i hope a good group.

O sorteio para os campeonatos continentais é hoje, fiz algumas contas e penso que irei estar no pote 2, espero um bom grupo.
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lv 薯片 >> penktadienis birželis 3 - 16:40, Pataisyta penktadienis birželis 3 - 16:40
1st game in Champions League... Disaster, even though I played without my best midfielder Goncalves. This game showed that midfielders except DM's are useless without "Playmaker". I feel like my squad needs rebuilding. This season will be the last for 4 or 5 players from my main squad. Hopefully I will get some good young players in transfer window.

Also congratulations to YouKill 除魔 for win in Champions league.
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
br Ademir >> Šeštadienis birželis 4 - 19:22, Pataisyta Šeštadienis birželis 4 - 19:22
I agree with the playmaker argue, my RM has much more assists than my LM, my LM has more pass but don't have the "Playmaker" skill
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lv 薯片 >> pirmadienis birželis 6 - 12:44
This ME is making me sick.... :/
Not only I lost to a lot weaker team, but also Goncalves gets an injury... AGAIN... One more Champions League game without him...
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
lv 薯片 >> antradienis birželis 7 - 12:46, Pataisyta antradienis birželis 7 - 12:47
Tie game in Champions League without 3 injured players from main squad :)
And I feel like playing with AM , RM or LM and DM with 1 forward in center and other as LF or RM is better then playing in both flanks. Hope you understood my argue.
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
br Ademir >> trečiadienis birželis 22 - 22:03, Pataisyta trečiadienis birželis 22 - 22:05
Great day, I win a away game at league and I'm now in the Cup final against Longhorn, I think it is a 85/15 match for his players.

What my team didn't do in the continental league they did in the Cup.
br Ademir
lv 薯片 >> ketvirtadienis birželis 23 - 12:59, Pataisyta ketvirtadienis birželis 23 - 13:06
Reached finals of both Cups. 2 difficult games... I hope my players will perform good enough to take those cups.
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
lv 薯片 >> penktadienis birželis 24 - 19:02
Can't get better then that :)
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
br Ademir >> antradienis birželis 28 - 22:07
Congratulations for the cup LeBruuns
br Ademir
lv 薯片 >> trečiadienis birželis 29 - 05:53
Thanks Ademir!
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
br Ademir >> ketvirtadienis birželis 30 - 23:10
At least the group stage place for the cup winner will be mine because I'm the 4th at the league!
br Ademir
lv 薯片 >> penktadienis liepa 1 - 07:48, Pataisyta penktadienis liepa 1 - 07:50
Agree. But I would like to be 3rd in group stage at Champions League, so I could get to South American League. It would be more likely to win international cup... Congrats to Gremio for getting to South American League Semi Finals!
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports