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Season 26 Banter (74)

my Kesvick >> sekmadienis rugpjūtis 28 - 17:29
my Kesvick
eng Stephen >> pirmadienis rugpjūtis 29 - 07:24
Welcome back to Zhuan and Birmingham Hunter and a first time welcome to Jack and Camden Town.

With no money to invest in the team at the moment, personally, I'd be delighted with another mid-table finish.
eng Stephen
Vyresnysis administratorius
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Deca >> pirmadienis rugpjūtis 29 - 18:35, Pataisyta pirmadienis rugpjūtis 29 - 18:35
With about 9 young players out on loan gaining experience I'd be happy to finish 16th again, but it will be a tough ask. It was exciting at the bottom last season to avoid the relegation places, and I no doubt think i'll be involved in this struggle again.

There are about 5 or 6 teams in this league that are a cut above the rest, Strood & Liverpool are in a different class, so points are difficult to pick up against these big guns, which means battling for points elsewhere

Good luck all for the new season


eng Deca
eng Aston Villains
eng Sir Farad >> pirmadienis rugpjūtis 29 - 19:36
I hope to join u guys soon
eng Sir Farad
my Kesvick >> pirmadienis rugpjūtis 29 - 23:28
On the other hand, I hope that cheating never makes it to the top.
my Kesvick
eng Stephen >> antradienis rugpjūtis 30 - 21:02
Lol @ Dragontao.
eng Stephen
Vyresnysis administratorius
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Monk >> trečiadienis rugpjūtis 31 - 21:47
Good luck to all. No real major reinforcements for me, just investments for the future. Mid-table and a cup run would be great.

Not the best of openers tomorrow vs Universitaet Kassel given the fact I've never managed to even score a single goal past them!

Good luck everyone, let the season begin!
eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
eng Stephen >> ketvirtadienis rugsėjis 1 - 09:49
I've finally managed to get a back-up GK in, but my team is essentially the same as last year's. Another year older, but hopefully, another year wiser...
eng Stephen
Vyresnysis administratorius
eng Seaburn Beach
rs maki >> Šeštadienis rugsėjis 3 - 18:21
We are definitely the weakest team in the league, but..
rs maki
eng Cloughie >> Šeštadienis rugsėjis 3 - 18:38
Great result against one of the top sides in the country, well done maki
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng Sir Farad >> sekmadienis rugsėjis 4 - 14:44
Maki i'm happy for u, is not easy
eng Sir Farad