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Friendly Cup - season 52 registration now open (3)

eng Stephen >> Šeštadienis gegužė 9 - 07:21, Pataisyta Šeštadienis gegužė 9 - 07:22

The English Friendly Cup is back. Can Yid defend his trophy from the season 51 edition? Kezza and I are both hoping to stop him and wrestle the most prestigious trophy in the game from his grasp!

Register for a shot at glory!:

eng Stephen
Vyresnysis administratorius
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Stephen >> antradienis birželis 9 - 14:40

A Strood-Seaburn final!

eng Stephen
Vyresnysis administratorius
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Kezza >> antradienis birželis 9 - 17:28, Pataisyta antradienis birželis 9 - 17:42

oh god, here we go again.. another Stephen hiding coming :op

eng Kezza