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Bombay FC seems unstoppable this season (7)

in Sri Vatsav >> penktadienis balandis 18 - 06:24, Pataisyta penktadienis balandis 18 - 06:27
Finally Bombay FC all set to dethrone FC champs from top of the table . Perfect record of 10 out of 10 matches keep them on top of the table with some comfortable lead . On the Other hand FC champs struggling to get their act together . The key members of the team are getting old which affect their performance . But we are happy to announce We have some rising stars in form of J pushkala M fagrouch . Especially J pushkala eager to score some winning goals for India . It is good to see some teams putting up fight in our league which indicates India is developing its stnadards but still a long way to go . Good work mates . Congratulations to viktor in advance Good going mate
in Sri Vatsav
in viktor >> penktadienis balandis 18 - 16:20
Nice writeup !
As for our season,we are just one-third of the way into the season. Although we like where we are at right now,things can go south pretty quickly. We were in a similar position at this stage in the previous two seasons as well.
It has been an interesting season!A fair bit of excitement. Zolzán& Will have stuck to their long term plans and have really stepped it up and reaped the results this season. Add to that managers like Any, Bhanu,Omkar,royal who have made some smart moves. With some new teams waiting in the wings the League sure seems more competitive. And it definitely helps our NT.
in viktor
in Air FC
in viktor >> antradienis gegužė 6 - 14:37
"I told you so"
in viktor
in Air FC
in Sri Vatsav >> Šeštadienis gegužė 10 - 17:45
This is quite unexpected . During the first half of the season my team is not up to the mark and your team slightly off the gaurd in later half of the season . This is quite a close win but we are happy consedering where we were at half way stage
in Sri Vatsav
in viktor >> pirmadienis gegužė 12 - 16:25
Congratulations on the double!
in viktor
in Air FC
in Art of Bar :D >> antradienis gegužė 13 - 06:40
gratz to champs :)
in Art of Bar :D
in Goal Diggers
in Sri Vatsav >> sekmadienis gegužė 25 - 05:57
tq guys :)
in Sri Vatsav