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Small country poll (19)

in Ps >> trečiadienis birželis 8 - 12:05
Guys tell me who is gonna to join the new league with the strong teams in small
Countries.should any 1 interested????
in Ps
in viktor >> ketvirtadienis birželis 9 - 03:57, Pataisyta ketvirtadienis birželis 9 - 04:00
Your country will not be reset, but it may be eligible for teams entering from deleted leagues.

I would welcome teams from other small countries in my league.((Yes))

Should i vote differently?
in viktor
in Air FC
in viktor >> ketvirtadienis birželis 9 - 04:03
On 2nd thoughts last post on may31-Anyone still playing?
in viktor
in Air FC
eng Weldone >> ketvirtadienis birželis 9 - 15:16
Haha yeah viktor everybody is quiet.

On the question of small country - I think you're right.
eng Weldone
eng Crossharbour Nursery FC
us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends) >> ketvirtadienis birželis 9 - 22:04
Hello guyz....greetings!. I missed you guyz so much bro!. I do wish to join u guyz here but who knows whether Vincent will aprove my request...just missd the thrill here and my first game here, gush! ;-( i hope u guyz will do welcome me :-|
us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends)
in Ps >> penktadienis birželis 10 - 09:14
Always wc
in Ps
in Ravish Malhotra >> penktadienis birželis 10 - 10:23
Just wondering, why did viktor sell off most of his team? :o
in Ravish Malhotra
us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends) >> penktadienis birželis 10 - 20:44
@ravish...i also have been wondering why his team have not been doing well since the season started...i even contact him and asked whats wrong then i noticed that it was the new idea in the game thats affecting him. { i.e, his team won't permit him to change any of his players except the ones that is most valuable " using only key players in all matches" which causes them not to gain there fatigues back
us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends)
eng Weldone >> Šeštadienis birželis 11 - 10:50
Ya come back Mr. Chef. This place has gone quiet.
eng Weldone
eng Crossharbour Nursery FC
us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends) >> Šeštadienis birželis 11 - 18:39
But, theres one thing here, i Recieved the POLL but if i requested to go out from the league, am i to ask the kind of country to go into?
us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends)
us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends) >> pirmadienis birželis 13 - 23:10
Guyz, i hope all the managers in these league would like to accept the deal in welcoming new managers and team in the league, because it ur votes that will guarantee there coming. E.g pple like ME?
us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends)
us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends) >> pirmadienis birželis 13 - 23:11
Bcause i do like to choose india if the chance will be given to me
us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends)
eng Weldone >> antradienis birželis 14 - 09:23
I already voted welcoming new teams.
eng Weldone
eng Crossharbour Nursery FC
in Ps >> antradienis birželis 14 - 14:25
I'm also voted in the favor of welcoming new teams.
in Ps