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Season 33 (18)

us Peter >> ketvirtadienis rugpjūtis 31 - 03:22, Pataisyta ketvirtadienis rugpjūtis 31 - 03:22

This season marks a new age in the history of the Detroit Blazers. We are embarking on a complete rebuild of the team. Seeing as it wasn't much of a success in division 1, I am selling all my first team players. That might not be completely done this season, but I will offload as many as I can for the remainder of this window and the mid-season window. I have replaced them with lots of young talent. My team will be built around my upcoming supertalent midfielder, Alvaro Terras, and my selfish striker, Doug Pugh. I fully expect to be relegated, as my youth are largely untrained. In 4-5 seasons, my team will be contending for promotion to division 1 yet again. For once in my management career, I have decided to ignore the here-and-now and start thinking long-term.

The more I think about it, the more I'm happy I decided to build my youth center over buying a potential prospect. Believe it or not, the money that went into building my YC10 might have gone into buying a player. Then, my supertalent would've been from a YC9 and, consequently, been worth much less. That was probably the best decision I've ever made on this game.

For me, this season will not be about points or the standings. It will be all about how many traits I can give to my upcoming youth.

So, for now, I will be an easy 3 points for anyone who plays me. But eventually... it will be the other way around ;)

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us ranks39 >> ketvirtadienis rugpjūtis 31 - 13:55

Good luck all!

us ranks39
us Danny >> Šeštadienis rugsėjis 2 - 14:01

Independence SC will now start a small press conference:

*ISC Owner walks up to the podium*

"I wanted to take this time to introduce our newest signing. He looks to be a strong bright spot coming out of the middle east. Ini-herir Rewuer is officially our new club record signing. We expect Ini to come in and be one of the top, if not the top, DM in the league. And in being only 20 years old, this is to the fans, expect to see Ini in an Independence SC jersies for many seasons to come. We are stoked for this signing as we believe it brings about a new philosophy in our clubs thinking. So #WelcomeIni ."

us Danny
us Danny >> Šeštadienis rugsėjis 2 - 14:01

Goodluck to everyone this season. Let's hope for another good finish from my squad. Looking for promotion as our goal this year.

us Danny
us Danny >> trečiadienis rugsėjis 6 - 14:20

Independence SC fans are ecstatic after their teams recent performances! An extra time victory over league one opposition, the St. Louis Rams, has the supporters ecstatic. It was a great team performance to stay in it with one of the very top. The manager believes that the cup victory was crucial in building confidence in his side. The manager has made it very clear that he wants to put together a little cup run this year after many recent years of cup struggles.

In other big news, the near second XI for Independence SC put in a good performance to defeat El Paso on the weekend to follow the cup victory. Up-and-coming star Pierre-Yves Laffron-parias scored his first ever first team goal. The 19 yo will have a very very bright future for the club. We wish him the best of luck as he continues to develop into a star. 

us Danny
us Peter >> trečiadienis rugsėjis 6 - 14:54

Holy crap, I never noticed Pierre. Over 7 talent Danny! Wow, that's incredible.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us Danny >> ketvirtadienis rugsėjis 7 - 18:12

Yea you should've seen my reaction when he came into my youth center. I nearly threw my computer out the window. He is going to be monumental. I could always sell for a large amount of money which would be more beneficial for my club. But, I'd rather not be a selling club even if that inhibits my clubs ability to grow.

us Danny
us Peter >> penktadienis rugsėjis 8 - 00:37

Haha, yes. You are one of the few fortunate people to pull a player with 7+ talent. As for not selling, I'm taking the same approach. I'm choosing to avoid selling my supertalent, Alvaro Terras. I want to keep him and train him.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us Danny >> penktadienis rugsėjis 8 - 13:52, Pataisyta penktadienis rugsėjis 8 - 14:19

I just recently got another one as well. He's a young middie. Archibald 

us Danny
us Peter >> penktadienis rugsėjis 8 - 14:08

Another fantastic guy. Two good traits, one of which is fantastic. Team player is basically equivalent to an additional .5 talent balls in my opinion.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us Danny >> penktadienis rugsėjis 8 - 14:20

I agree. I was super stoked to see him come through the YC. He will develop into a strong talent.

us Danny
us Peter >> penktadienis rugsėjis 8 - 14:51

Probably make it into the NT, as well.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us Danny >> Šeštadienis rugsėjis 9 - 12:27

I'm not sure if he is young enough to eventually make the NT. 

us Danny
cn JACK >> penktadienis rugsėjis 22 - 10:28

Nirvana reborn,Peter,Early return

us Peter >> penktadienis rugsėjis 22 - 15:33

Yes, I'm sure I will come back to division 2 soon after I'm relegated. I'm expecting to get relegated.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers