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Angļu >> Futbols reālajā dzīvē

Random Chat (244)

wal Hudson >> ceturtdiena aprīlis 6 - 19:42
This generalisation that men are scum is so bull.
wal Hudson
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> svētdiena aprīlis 9 - 13:48
What do you think of Amazon Echo and Google Home ?
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
ee Taavi >> sestdiena aprīlis 15 - 17:37
Whats an opinion? I never had one , my ex-girlfriend said its bad for me
ee Taavi
Kopienas administrators
ee FC Pusa
eng Dragontao >> sestdiena aprīlis 15 - 17:52
lol @ Stephen and Taavi.

My ex was fond of saying "A woman's work is never done". I told her it's very unlike her not to get the last word in. She said "that is the last word". I said nope, the last word is "properly".

She said "it's okay, a man's place is in the wrong".

I think I'm beginning to understand why she's an ex.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
ee Taavi >> sestdiena aprīlis 15 - 17:55
In my personal opinion (this sounds wierd)

We should move ex talk to random chat before Andrei impales us
ee Taavi
Kopienas administrators
ee FC Pusa
eng holt >> sestdiena aprīlis 15 - 18:36
Taavi should rename himself to "Ex-Man" :p
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
ee Taavi >> sestdiena aprīlis 15 - 18:36
x-man *
ee Taavi
Kopienas administrators
ee FC Pusa
wal Hudson >> sestdiena aprīlis 15 - 20:45
Who's got in on the news about Chicken Nugget guy?
He asked Wendy's for a year's supply of nuggets and they said he needed 18 million retweets. He's got 3 million RTs in a week.
By my calculations, using a steady 41% decrease in retweets each day, he will reach 18.2 million retweets on 14th July 2017.
The shit United Airlines even offered him a free flight to any Wendy's in the world if he reaches his goal. He blew up mates! Everyone's in on it. Post Malone to Ellen deGeneres, even LeafyisHere!! He's just 16!!
He even got verified on Twitter due to all this publicity!
And I'm 21, sitting here like......lmfao
wal Hudson
Zaļš gurķis
eng Dragontao >> sestdiena aprīlis 15 - 20:46
Ever since he had the operation.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng Dragontao >> sestdiena aprīlis 15 - 20:48
I bet he's well chuffed getting the offer of a free flight from United Airlines, how's he going to eat those chicken nuggets then, blended through a straw?
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
ee Taavi >> sestdiena aprīlis 15 - 20:58
Or get bit by a scorpion...
ee Taavi
Kopienas administrators
ee FC Pusa
ee Taavi >> pirmdiena aprīlis 17 - 10:07, Labots pirmdiena aprīlis 17 - 10:08
Maan both my biceps are so torn from work and working out , today was lifting some logs and im now in excruciating pain , any tips?

Vodka didnt help
ee Taavi
Kopienas administrators
ee FC Pusa
eng holt >> pirmdiena aprīlis 17 - 13:01
Some rest and ice pack should do.
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> pirmdiena aprīlis 17 - 13:07
Some news:
Link is dead in Majora Mask
Fallout society is doomed(retardation from the nuclear war)
People aboard the ship in Wall-e are eating human meat without knowing it..
The Cars in Cars are living creatures.
All Pixar moves are of the same universe and timeline,like Marvel.
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
ee Taavi >> pirmdiena aprīlis 17 - 14:46
Guys...im beginning to think Dragontao isnt a real dragon but a bloke from England
ee Taavi
Kopienas administrators
ee FC Pusa