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Angļu >> Vispārīgās diskusijas

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10464)

ro Rapidist >> svētdiena jūlijs 10 - 11:39, Labots svētdiena jūlijs 10 - 11:46
I wanted to loan this player: http://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/info/player-1178102 I had 72 % or something like this, around 70% chances to win the auction, I had the age and value advantage and I lost!!! What the hell is going on? I couldn't win any auction except this http://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/info/player-1159703 for which I paid too much money! What is going on??? This is the message I received ,, The loan of Andrzej Sochaj was completed today. He will play the next season for nl [FS] SVV Scheveningen.

Gwardia Opole reacted that they are pleased to have found a club where Andrzej Sochaj can gain some experience and wish him good luck in his new challenge. " At my club would have certainly had this chance, because I had the age advantage! Ain't make any sense!
ro Rapidist
ro Tamuz
us Peter >> svētdiena jūlijs 10 - 15:33
Bid 20 million for a player. I had a 50% chance. The coin was flipped, and I... lost.
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
ro Rapidist >> svētdiena jūlijs 10 - 15:46, Labots svētdiena jūlijs 10 - 15:47
@Peter I have lost every single auction so far excepting one, one from over 60!!!!! I can't understand anything from this transfer window, I simply can't win anything! :| :| :|
ro Rapidist
ro Tamuz
us Peter >> svētdiena jūlijs 10 - 16:05
I feel your pain my friend.
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
ro Rapidist >> svētdiena jūlijs 10 - 16:06
Such a poor transfer window:(
ro Rapidist
ro Tamuz
hu MacikaG >> pirmdiena jūlijs 11 - 04:31
Most of the time less % is the winner.
hu MacikaG
Kopienas administrators
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
hu Zsone >> pirmdiena jūlijs 11 - 05:15
I feel you Lied,i lost the election in Samoa...
hu Zsone
kn Nehemiah >> pirmdiena jūlijs 11 - 11:01
I foretell Torres posting here shortly
kn Nehemiah
Zaļš gurķis
nz Luke Broadcast >> pirmdiena jūlijs 11 - 12:28
nah, losing a game like that automatically means i will do the same with Koen in CL Semi-final
nz Luke Broadcast
Zaļš gurķis
hr Eddie >> pirmdiena jūlijs 11 - 12:53
No, it doesn't. It means match analysis will work against you. As I suspected.
hr Eddie
Zaļš gurķis
nz Luke Broadcast >> pirmdiena jūlijs 11 - 12:55
im 99% sure Tartu wont analyse his games, it was one-off
nz Luke Broadcast
Zaļš gurķis
hr Eddie >> pirmdiena jūlijs 11 - 12:57, Labots pirmdiena jūlijs 11 - 12:58
We'll talk again at the end of this season to gather our thoughts. :)
hr Eddie
Zaļš gurķis
nz Luke Broadcast >> pirmdiena jūlijs 11 - 13:00
i will win the league, no doubt. maybe i dont win CL
nz Luke Broadcast
Zaļš gurķis
us Mercuric >> pirmdiena jūlijs 11 - 16:09
I can tell I'm going to hate the new match engine. I feel like the whole thing is pretty pointless now.
us Mercuric