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Angļu >> Vispārīgās diskusijas

Retirement of older players (443)

eng ipfreely >> otrdiena augusts 13 - 10:22, Labots otrdiena augusts 13 - 10:24

@Numpty most of the players I 'lost' would have been sold to the bank, not to another club. They were youths that probably never played a senior game, so no real loss.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
il Numpty >> otrdiena augusts 13 - 11:35

If we want to find out exactly what the rules are for removing old players then we need to work with evidence. We can only research the players that are still there.  Players that have already been removed makes it harder to provide reliable evidence.  

As I said my working theory is that players only get removed if their last club was a bot. But it might be a lot more complicated then that and probably time consuming to work out all the details with very little benefit for the effort involved.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hu SNAgy >> otrdiena augusts 13 - 16:37

My team has no players statistics before season 19

Two players are In season 20 and 4 in season 21 and more and more in the next seasons.

They are still in employment somewhere or sold to none (bank) in 2018.

Maybe the rule was delete players who finished their whole carrier before 2018 (even as a footballer or a stuff member)

hu SNAgy
hu Fut Bal Jobb SNAgy klub
wal Paul H >> ceturtdiena augusts 15 - 20:17

Just wondering about my gk retires on 18th September.There is nothing stopping me putting him into my Office before he finishes. 

wal Paul H
au The Red Dragon
eng Stephen >> ceturtdiena augusts 15 - 20:45

Correct, Paul. As long as you make him staff before he retires, he has no choice but to keep working for you :)

eng Stephen
Galvenais administrators
eng Seaburn Beach
cn PLAN CV17:shandong >> piektdiena augusts 23 - 12:26

Will there be any other updates?


cn PLAN CV17:shandong
mx MXL Luneng Taishan
eng Stephen >> piektdiena augusts 23 - 16:34

There are no planned updates at this time

eng Stephen
Galvenais administrators
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> piektdiena augusts 23 - 18:20

Planned? Updates?

You've accidentally invented a new oxymoron. 😀

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets