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Angļu >> Futbols reālajā dzīvē

Arsenal (1036)

my Kesvick >> piektdiena maijs 18 - 11:17

I'm not entirely against Mikel Arteta, to be honest. There are all these accolades from the people he has worked with that I don't simply think it is because they are only trying to blow his trumpet.

my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> piektdiena jūnijs 1 - 17:35

But the players supposedly didn't wan't him.

eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> sestdiena jūnijs 2 - 13:52

Well, that debate is not relevant anymore.

my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> trešdiena augusts 8 - 12:33


my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> pirmdiena augusts 13 - 04:40, Labots pirmdiena augusts 13 - 04:40

My main thought for the Manchester City game: Cechplsfuknplsnomoarheartattacks.

All things considered, it was an okay performance from Arsenal. For me, if Arsenal scored at least one goal and kept the scoreline to at most a one goal deficit, this would have been a good game.

One of the main things I was looking for as a fan was a clear sense of what Arsenal were trying to do. I felt that I got that. We had a clear defensive plan and we caught them a few times; too bad that we could not finish. There were mistakes, but individual performances as a whole were good. Standouts are Matteo Guendozi, Sokratis Papastathopoluos, Ainsley Maitland-Niles (up until he was injured). Mesut Ozil was good.

Of course, there were some individual mistakes: Xhaka deserves some benefit of the doubt but his comfort zone is closing quickly with Lucas Torreira, and Mkhitaryan probably should not be in the same line-up as Ozil. Cech...doesn't fit our current style of play; I fully expect Bernd Leno to play the next game.

Furthermore, City's flawless pressing meant that we could not purely follow our plan to build from the back, while we ourselves were lagging behind in a few instances in attempting to close down all of City's options, but otherwise, this is very much a team in transition, and I fully expect Unai Emery's style to gel with the team as time progresses.

my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> pirmdiena augusts 13 - 08:06

Did Lich play ?

eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> pirmdiena augusts 13 - 08:19

Yes, Lichsteiner played. He put in a good shift when he was brought on.

my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> pirmdiena augusts 13 - 11:27

Playing against City is a tough match for anyone..........................................but Liverpool

eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> trešdiena augusts 15 - 05:47

@holt: If Liverpool do not finish the season at least a few points short of City...would you consider the season a failure?

my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> trešdiena augusts 15 - 06:27

If they don't reach atleast semis of cups then maybe.

eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> sestdiena augusts 18 - 16:57


my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> pirmdiena augusts 20 - 10:16


eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> pirmdiena augusts 20 - 10:41, Labots pirmdiena augusts 20 - 10:41

There were positives. I could copy what I said from the City game and paste it for the Chelsea game. I see what they are doing, but they need time.

I will add that I think Hector Bellerin's days are numbered unless he really shapes up.

my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> pirmdiena augusts 20 - 12:00

Nah .Bellerin will do a Alberto Moreno.

eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> piektdiena janvāris 25 - 03:58

Well...I'm back.

I'm under no qualms that this is going to be a hard season.

my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis