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Angļu >> Vispārīgās diskusijas

Season ending position (19)

hu Zsone >> piektdiena februāris 22 - 23:57
i would like to know,will there be difference of how much money will we recieve at the beggining of the new season?for example will the team who finishes 2. in the league recieve more money than a team who finishes 13. ???

and one more thing, can we buy VIP some other way than Paypal because my country(serbia)is not supported there?
hu Zsone
nl Vincent de Boer >> sestdiena februāris 23 - 14:03
The TV revenue you receive depends on the amount of points your team got. The more points you have, the more money you receive.

We can look into other payment methods, is there anything you would like to see?
nl Vincent de Boer
Vecākais izstrādātājs
sco Arno Wiersma >> sestdiena februāris 23 - 14:23
Is there no differentiation between teams in the 1th, 2nd an 3rd league? I wouldn't be complaining if as a 2nd league team I would get as much as a team (with the same amount of points) in the 1th league, but I would find it more realistic if a higher league received more then a lower league.
sco Arno Wiersma
Zaļš gurķis
eng pepsy11 >> sestdiena februāris 23 - 15:16
I can understand that if in this first season there might not be a difference in prize money across the different leagues, but i really hope that there is a difference between the leagues.. If there isn't, it is unrealistic and kind of stupid imo..
eng pepsy11
Zaļš gurķis
sco Scotland1983 >> sestdiena februāris 23 - 16:39
i think its fair for now there are teams who would need more then one promotion to reach top divison in their country england and china are two examples of this this is my view anyway in the name of fairness for those in bottom divisions in their countrys:)
sco Scotland1983
eng pepsy11 >> sestdiena februāris 23 - 17:03
Yeah.. And for the fairness i would say: give the same prize money the first season.. Then the best teams in the lower divisions can play along in their new division the next season, but giving the same amount to all divisions for more seasons, would ruin the league hierarchy and there would be no difference between the leagues
eng pepsy11
Zaļš gurķis
nl Vincent de Boer >> sestdiena februāris 23 - 17:07
There is a difference between the levels as well, level 1 will get more than level 2 and level 3 even less etc.

In the startup fase this is different though. In the first season they are all the same, in the second season only the lowest level gets less, in the third the lowest two etc.
nl Vincent de Boer
Vecākais izstrādātājs
hu Zsone >> sestdiena februāris 23 - 22:00
Back to the payment methods. before on rockingrackets i used moneybookers but its not an option anymore. Or i have a VISA VIRTUON card from which i can pay for things on the internet,if its ok for you
hu Zsone
ba Lobster >> svētdiena februāris 24 - 12:33
Sharing TV revenue is a problem in RL also. It is quite clear that there is difference between divisions, but there are also very large differences inside of a division. For example, bigger teams (usually higher placed also, and more popular) get a bigger share while smaller clubs want everything to be shared if not equally, then at least moved towards it.

That being said, it is entirely your decision how will you share it, but it seems that popularity (number of registered fans and how many people actually watch your game on telly) is an important factor.
ba Lobster
eng Kezza >> svētdiena februāris 24 - 12:42
I kinda agree Lobster... but if your team is winning games in theory you should have more fans anyway? I think there has to be a difference between each place with the winner of the league getting the most and would make sense for teams in Europe to get more income from that?
eng Kezza
Zaļš gurķis
ba Lobster >> svētdiena februāris 24 - 13:37
@Kezza - of course, winner takes it (almost) all. UEFA makes their financial expenses somewhat transparent and there you can see how much money is earned for each step of CL (as well as EL, but we'll come to that point eventually).

Using this, developers can set their in-game financial framework and distribute the money according to rations used by UEFA.

It is more difficult for domestic leagues though. In Italy, for example, minor clubs joined in and tried to force major clubs to give them bigger share of TV rights. I don't think they've succeeded entirely and they never will.

Also, I like how every country is equal at the beginning (a team isn't better just by being from England). This may not be realistic but should work great :)
ba Lobster
nl Anders_D >> sestdiena marts 16 - 23:04
I'm wondering, what's the difference between nr 1/2/3 etc in price money. What does the champion actually win, besides getting more tv revenue? Is there a list or something?
nl Anders_D
nl FC Beawulf
nl Vincent de Boer >> svētdiena marts 17 - 07:19
There is no prize money for the league, only the tv revenue, which is shared in proportion of the points each team got.

The winner of the league also gets a medal next to the name of his teamname and is shown on the countries page and the history page of the league.
nl Vincent de Boer
Vecākais izstrādātājs
at StormZ >> svētdiena marts 17 - 10:48
it should be added in the forums aswell :D next to team name,it would look pretty awesome
at StormZ
ro SpokenReasons >> svētdiena marts 17 - 10:53
@Jose Mourinho

Here is a link where you could put your suggestions. I`m sure Vincent will see your post.

ro SpokenReasons