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Champs! (6)

nl Almar >> otrdiena jūlijs 2 - 19:28
Who will be the champs?
The Spankers? The Camels?
nl Almar
Zaļš gurķis
nl CPH >> ceturtdiena jūlijs 4 - 18:33
Camels take the lead back after a suprising loss by Spankers at the hands of Al Ayn. Tomorrow the Camels can crown themselves champs if they beat Dubaibaibaibai away. Given the less than good away record of the Camels over the last matches that will not be a given...
nl CPH
nl Almar >> trešdiena septembris 11 - 10:37
I think that the Camels will be champs again!
nl Almar
Zaļš gurķis
nl Almar >> ceturtdiena decembris 26 - 08:58
The Camels will be the champs this season.
nl Almar
Zaļš gurķis
nl Almar >> pirmdiena janvāris 27 - 09:48
Camels rock!!!
nl Almar
Zaļš gurķis
nl Almar >> ceturtdiena marts 13 - 19:22
I think that the Chimps will be the champs next year. Chimps... Champs... So funny hahahaha
nl Almar
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