Līga - Antigva un Barbuda 28.sezona

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how will finish this season (5)

bg Gogo Nikov >> svētdiena augusts 9 - 08:16
is expected tight battle for fourth place in the group, which you will be entitled to play in the tournament gets interesting
bg Gogo Nikov
vu Amun-Ra >> otrdiena augusts 18 - 01:13
our teams are no match for the ones we meet in the international competitions. Just 2 extra matches. Thats it :) If I could, I would forfeit these matches. International matches are not fun. Just stressful if you wanna get a result
vu Amun-Ra
Zaļš gurķis
eng Bruce >> trešdiena decembris 13 - 02:57

Im new to the league im hoping to be able to compete atleast abit This season lol hopefully top 4 (im quite ambitious lol )

eng Bruce
ag AG >> trešdiena decembris 13 - 23:41

Welcome Bruce and good season has you I hopes that you will reach your goal laughing !

ag AG
ag Swetes CF
eng Bruce >> pirmdiena decembris 18 - 19:59

Cheers and thanks for the beating in pre season lol

eng Bruce