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JRB Forces Albania for Season 22 (2)

be Jeton R. Bardhi >> pirmdiena februāris 15 - 15:56
This year, not like other seasons, our first goal is not to become champions again, but to make some developments in facilities. For this reason I sold 3-4 best players to make some money, and did not buy any other. After the facility development will finish, then I will invest strongly to remake JRB Forces Albania great again.

Jeton R. Bardhi

JRB Forces Albania
be Jeton R. Bardhi
be Jeton R. Bardhi >> svētdiena marts 6 - 22:19
Hello colleagues,

I did not expect to be so damn close to the top of the table (because there are 3 teams with same amount of points) and I am glad that I can handle the championship even with 4-5 crucial players that I don't have anymore. I hope you will perform better on coming matches.
I want to remind to the leaders that I will have to face all best teams (Tanamera, lushnje, and Flamurtari Vlore) in away games, so I wish you all good luck on this season!

Jeton R. Bardhi

JRB Forces Albania
be Jeton R. Bardhi