Līga - Albānija 57.sezona

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Season 48 (2)

ee onuelver >> sestdiena oktobris 19 - 12:58

First time to go down in Q1 but it was not surprise. My team has no progress on last seasons because we have no money for big upgrades. So i try to sell my supertalent for good enough price to get Stadium-10 money. With FA!-YA1 i can't grow up good emough team to compete in Europe.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> sestdiena novembris 16 - 14:52

At least we started with stadium-10 this season and after couple of seasons can recover again. I had dobts that stadium-10 is not possible in Albania but now i will have it. Level 11 is too far target to think about it now but level 9 should be possible for everyone. 

Not worring about possible title lose too much. Stadium is just much important for team progress.  

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back