Līga - Armēnija 40.sezona

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Season 48 :) (1)

pl Gandalf >> svētdiena augusts 25 - 20:13, Labots svētdiena augusts 25 - 20:15

Hello ! :)

I hope that our forum is not dead ;)

What are your goals for this season?

My prediction for the end table :)

1. Vardenis

2. Yerevan #6

3. FC Terminator - PMK has very young and talened team, and it will be stronger and stronger for each seson, i think he wiill beat me in this season ;) 

4. Sprata Kraków - My team :). 3rd place it was big succses for new team just like me, but players are oldie, and in this season it not be good just like 47 :)

5. Alaskert FC - Its very good that we have new players, if will be more Armenia ligue will be stroger and in future we can have better coefficient in european cup :)

6-10. Bot teams

pl Gandalf
ar Sparta Buenos Aires