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Team younger imperative (2)

ao 坏蛋 >> ceturtdiena janvāris 16 - 07:42
Literal translation from Chinese to English, the statement may not be fluent. Forgive me.
From the third season, joined the league.We compete together, participate in the competition arena in Africa.In this process, we are rivals, but also friends.Now I found a problem: aging workforce.
The average age of the majority of the team in the league 28 years and older. Many of the main players are 30 years of age, or even older."Charmanders FC" & "Zubat Alfredo FC" team age structure is reasonable.But the league overall situation is not optimistic.
I hope, my friends can boldly young players. The older players to sell, to get money to buy good young players. This will not only conducive to the development of the club, will also enhance the competitiveness of our league.
Personal view, welcomed the discussion.
ao 坏蛋
tl Leozinhoshow >> ceturtdiena janvāris 16 - 15:33
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I'm selling the older players. Leading players I leave for a while and I'm also developing the youth center. In the next window, I look young with great futures.
tl Leozinhoshow
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