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Season 47 (7)

ee Balthazor >> pirmdiena augusts 26 - 18:22

This season my team should not be so dangerous on first half :D several older players sold and at least 3 u21 players guaranteed to be in starting 11. I hope I'll stay up, otherwise it will be very young team on season 48 in League 2 laughing

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
at Tuneman >> trešdiena augusts 28 - 07:59

you will stay up !

Never ever think that you'll be 10th.

And becoming 9th is a 100% win in relegation  due to the relative weskness of League 2 teams :-)

Good luck for sesson 47 !

at Tuneman
Zaļš gurķis
ee Balthazor >> pirmdiena septembris 2 - 18:51

I'll take it all very calmly, whatever comes. I have plans. Current results are not very good but not disaster too. 

Checked from my Excel table: it was season 24, when 9th was relegated last, 11th time... and that last playoff winner survived next season here, but not latter ones.  

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> pirmdiena septembris 16 - 17:43

Everything looks quite fine. Able to win some matches that keep me in safe zone. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> otrdiena oktobris 15 - 17:53

So much about 100% win in playoffs... but next season it should be much harder to finish on 9th place.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
at Tuneman >> sestdiena oktobris 19 - 18:34

yes, Rapid Wien had bad luck - will be a very interesting Season

at Tuneman
Zaļš gurķis
cn 神话 >> otrdiena oktobris 22 - 08:54

hh, I invite some people come to Austria league play from China league 

cn 神话
at FC Barcelona