Līga - Austrija 57.sezona

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About Austrian NT (66)

ee Balthazor >> sestdiena janvāris 28 - 11:19

In our group Netherlands seem to be stronger and Bulgaria-Hungary-Austria should fight for 2nd place. First match against Hungary gave huge blow to our 2nd place chances as our forwards are not good enough and couldn't create enough danger to opposite keeper. We have long enough bench of mid-class players, but our best ones are all keepers and no star players who would generate something big. 

If our chances continue shrinking it will be time to give playing time in qualis to younger players, especially forwards. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> otrdiena janvāris 31 - 20:51

Surely not happy with only 1-0 against weaker Andorra at home. Got 3 points, but gave away more advantage to other stronger teams.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> trešdiena februāris 8 - 20:55, Labots trešdiena februāris 8 - 20:57

Some old tricks never die... but again our forwards were quite unnoticed.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> otrdiena februāris 28 - 21:08

Match against Azerbaijan was utter disgrace. Can't score against 14* and 11* keepers...Missing of Kumbernuss is not excuse, we should still be able to score at least 3 goals, but can't make even 3 shots between posts. 2nd place is gone if we can't take some away wins. At some point Gudelj and Pfaller will play qualification matches as current old wooden legs can't hit the Great Chinese Wall- and that has been constant problem.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> otrdiena marts 21 - 05:16, Labots otrdiena marts 21 - 21:06

Should we win against Bulgaria, there is little chance for qualifying but our best mid resigned. 

As result of today's game Andre Fromm is kicked out from NT. He was also responsible for home draw against Azerbaijan, today he had just 2 shots to block and he failed both. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> piektdiena maijs 5 - 20:02

Looks like time to rest from NT as we have a candidate :)

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> otrdiena maijs 9 - 18:34

...and the good candidate :) Maybe Austria can qualify finally somewhere? In last cycle we caused some headache to stronger teams but lost some weird points too. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> trešdiena augusts 23 - 19:55

...and it's Azerbaijan again in our group. Previous time they cost us playoff chances. I give to Fromm new chance, but have still trusting issues with him. Normally we should reach to 2nd phase from this group. 

First time to pick my own player into Austrian NT but we have so poor forwards selection, he is 24 and Hegel 31 and in TC10. Normally Voss should not be even in shortlist. Also I excluded Habe because of age and being #5 in list, but if younger ones have their interlands he may return. Probably soon Weinstock will replace Herzl too. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> ceturtdiena augusts 24 - 18:17

Away win against Azerbaijan should give us good chances for second phase if Iceland will not surprise us.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> pirmdiena septembris 4 - 18:38

Now we should surely qualify to second stage if we don't loose all 3 remaining matches.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> piektdiena septembris 8 - 19:06

...and it's officially confirmed. Some younger players will get experience in last 2 matches. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> sestdiena oktobris 7 - 18:26

It will be difficult against England and Portugal to compete for qualification, but at least we try. Our third forward is out because of promotion playoffs, so we have less options for 2 very important matches.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> svētdiena oktobris 15 - 16:08

Very bad day to our hopes. When England was stronger side and scout gave almost zero hope to earn any points, worst thing is Russia's home loss to Portugal. Now we must win Portugal at least with two goals, beat Russia away and hope that England will not give any points to Portugal. We struggle at attacking: we create chances equally with other teams, but score much less as our forwards are not top class. We can't play formations with 3 forwards. In nearer future defence will be problematic: in shortlist is only 3 defenders under 30 and 2 of them are already 28! We might be some competitive on next qualifications, but afyer that will again be darker era.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> trešdiena oktobris 18 - 16:26

...and dream is over now. Very disappointed at poor performance. Now we must try points against Russia, in last match will be bigger rotation of players, younger squad against England. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> ceturtdiena oktobris 26 - 15:07

There is nothing to be glad in second stage except qualifying here and earning some xp. Now as we will finish on last place with away goals in last matches principle is youngsters first. 

In first match against Russia we had to demolish them but won barely. Today thet got their whole first win of two stages! Our forwards are pathetic and our defence will die after 2-3 seasons to be on similar level with forwards. Then we are probably forced to play 3-5-2...

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn