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Yo-Yo (3)

eng Tottenham Hotspur >> sestdiena oktobris 19 - 07:03

Here we go again. Up down up down up and already looking like down again. :(

Too good for div2 and crap in div1. Oh well.

eng Tottenham Hotspur
au davo >> sestdiena novembris 2 - 02:39

You'll get there mate. You should do everything you can to get a stadium 11 and then build up your TA and YA. It'll take a while, but it's better than the short term game of spending money on players to try and survive.

au davo
cn 红魔glory >> pirmdiena janvāris 6 - 09:32

Up down up means you have alreadly been the best one in league 2,don't lose you confidence,you can finally stay in league 1

By the way,I was the "Up down up" guy in many seasons ago.

cn 红魔glory
au Manchester Boys