Līga - Aruba 9.sezona

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Aruba National team (4)

by Andryvs >> svētdiena janvāris 31 - 19:55

Hi ! I will lead Aruba NT for next 2 seasons. I have already big experience in Europe with Belarus. But this is not Europe - new chalanges for me. I like to play from defence - parking the bus. I will try ASAP to get Interland games experience for main key players, so don't worries if your player plays 2 games in the week, i say sorry before that. Have nice day!

by Andryvs
by Prussians
by Andryvs >> trešdiena marts 10 - 19:08

I made a call up to the NT for two juniors- Isaasi and Maart. I will give them some interland experience- because they are young and perspective talants . Two guys i sent home - Strydom - 4 games (0+1), Casteneda - 3 games 0 goals. They earned maximum experience and will be back in the week 3 if talanted youngsters will not surpass them. 

by Andryvs
by Prussians
by Andryvs >> otrdiena marts 23 - 21:59

Hi! So we qualified for North America Cup. The qualification was like hills - up and down, some strange ties against Grenada and Puerteriko- but still, we are in the Cup. And still one round left and we have chance to win the group too, so it is ok. I don't have experience in big tournaments, but i promise - i will do my best, i will prepare NT for these games. 

by Andryvs
by Prussians
by Andryvs >> svētdiena maijs 9 - 13:27

I did the best i could. your welcome

by Andryvs
by Prussians