Līga - Bosnija un Hercegovina 66.sezona

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Bosnia-herzegovina premier league (english) (37)

ba muky >> svētdiena janvāris 17 - 17:16
Thanks Jeikop!

Vincent is down! Game over! :D
ba muky
ba Tracko >> svētdiena janvāris 17 - 18:03
we can get 1 more extra place in european competitions
ba Tracko
ee EIZ >> pirmdiena janvāris 18 - 09:31, Labots pirmdiena janvāris 18 - 13:39
wow, great job indeed muky and all the best for the next round.

also considering Vincent is our new NT coach and you have a few in the fold, he is probably considering removing few of them now or tiring out by playing both interlands and qualifiers :D
ee EIZ
Zaļš gurķis
lv Jeikop >> ceturtdiena janvāris 21 - 09:13
Mucy!!!! I can't belive. You are monster. Good job in Cl.
lv Jeikop
nl ⭐ PSV Eindhoven ⭐
ba muky >> ceturtdiena janvāris 21 - 11:04
I had a lot of luck, but the victory is a victory!

And no, I'm not a monster, FC Olympic is, as a champion of our league!

ba muky
lv Jeikop >> piektdiena janvāris 22 - 08:25
Let's speak about that after 4 league games! ;) :D
lv Jeikop
nl ⭐ PSV Eindhoven ⭐
ba Bekric Vildan >> pirmdiena janvāris 25 - 18:47
ba Bekric Vildan
lv Jeikop >> pirmdiena janvāris 25 - 21:11
Thank you! Season was very interesting.
lv Jeikop
nl ⭐ PSV Eindhoven ⭐
ba muky >> pirmdiena janvāris 25 - 21:21
Congratulation Jeikop!

You've earned this title, you were playing very consistently and this result is only a result of good games. Good luck man! :)
ba muky
ba Tracko >> pirmdiena janvāris 25 - 21:33
congratz, good luck in european competitions to all see ya in few season
ba Tracko
ba Bekric Vildan >> pirmdiena janvāris 25 - 22:03
Yes! This Season was very, very interesting.
@ Tracko: See YOu.
ba Bekric Vildan
ba Judejac >> otrdiena janvāris 26 - 08:19
Gz Jeikop for ttle, and muky for EC :)
ba Judejac
lv Jeikop >> otrdiena janvāris 26 - 08:49
Thanks all! ))) Now we have littel chance for get 5 teams in europen cup after next year! Hope that Malta don't win Europe league.
lv Jeikop
nl ⭐ PSV Eindhoven ⭐
ee EIZ >> sestdiena janvāris 30 - 18:30, Labots sestdiena janvāris 30 - 18:30
hey guys, do any of you know whether converting a player as soon as he hits 30 will give him the best odds to be really talented and best staff skills, or does it go from 30-37 (best) , 38-xx (average..) and so on?

'The younger you appoint a player as staff, the higher his staff talent will be. A 30 year old player will get a staff talent of at least 6 and at most 10. A 38 year old will get a talent of 4 to 8 and a 50 year old will get a talent of 1 to 5.'

This is how it is written in help file.. not sure whether it means that 30-37 is one bracket, 38-50 is another and then the least favorable odds with 50+.

My main AM just got 30 and also Aru is close to 30 :) - not certain whether I could keep hold of them for a little longer or should I try converting asap.
ee EIZ
Zaļš gurķis
ba Tracko >> sestdiena janvāris 30 - 18:42
try to convert one of them and see results
i dont know what to say , maybe the best move is convert a player as soon as possible when he is 30 y old
ba Tracko