Līga - Barbadosa 17.sezona [2]

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Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

Season 57 (1)

fo BakerMan >> pirmdiena februāris 22 - 18:03

Well, as I'm the only non-bot in this division I'm going to have a conversation with myself!

Just taken over the bottom team in the league (I like a challenge!) as my satellite club and the next 2 or 3 seaons will be frantic building to make use of the starter bonus and very little cash spent on the team. Hope is promotion maybe season after next and then survive, consolidate and hopefully make a run for the top 4. Chances of ever catching the top club are remote, but one day I hope to score a goal against them :)

fo BakerMan
sy Al Qamşīyah FC