Līga - Barbadosa 43.sezona

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SEASON 18 (11)

ng Highranger >> ceturtdiena jūlijs 30 - 16:13
A very tight season we are having .. who will win the league
ng Highranger
Zaļš gurķis
ng cosodagger >> ceturtdiena augusts 6 - 04:22
Ya. a very tight season indeed but at the end i see crab hill rangers winning their first league and Gunners wins the cup.. it will be a trophyless season for flying doves for the first time in a long time
ng cosodagger
Zaļš gurķis
ng Highranger >> piektdiena augusts 7 - 15:52
Wow unexpected Gunner FC wins the cup.... It was a nice game and my team played very poor so congrats to Gunner FC
ng Highranger
Zaļš gurķis
ng cosodagger >> otrdiena augusts 18 - 04:19
I can also see that my team is also ready to win the league
ng cosodagger
Zaļš gurķis
ng cosodagger >> trešdiena augusts 19 - 21:24
the only thing between me and the league now if crab hill ranger................ father see me through
ng cosodagger
Zaļš gurķis
ng cosodagger >> sestdiena augusts 22 - 20:14
Almost there.. just one win to go
ng cosodagger
Zaļš gurķis
ng Highranger >> svētdiena augusts 23 - 05:36
Your team really performed well this season let's see if you can defeat crab hill rangers
ng Highranger
Zaļš gurķis
ng cosodagger >> svētdiena augusts 23 - 14:13
pain full loss..... this is the most competitive season ever
ng cosodagger
Zaļš gurķis
ng Highranger >> svētdiena augusts 23 - 17:28
Congrats to my team once again league champions.............. all thanks to crab hill rangers for that vital win
ng Highranger
Zaļš gurķis