Līga - Barbadosa 71.sezona

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Season 25 (2)

ca Axel The Great >> trešdiena augusts 31 - 22:22
Season 25 is about to start. what are your expectations for this season with the 2 new teams and how do you expect to perform.

I personally expect a top 4 finish in order to enter the North American League. In said competition I hope to reach the group stage for the first time in my career but it won't be easy as I will not be one of the seeded teams and will have to play against some very tough opponents. As for the Cup, I would not mind a semifinal appearance and anything further would be a bonus.

What are your guys' expectations for the upcoming season?
ca Axel The Great
Zaļš gurķis
mx Abbo (づ¬_¬)づ >> sestdiena septembris 3 - 17:17
Tengo esperanza en poder hacerme del campeonato, esperemos hacer crecer mas la liga de Barbados. Suerte a todos :)
mx Abbo (づ¬_¬)づ