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Season 60 (3)

fo BakerMan >> svētdiena jūlijs 11 - 13:39

Well a few more players joining the league which is good to see - welcome all.

Aims for the season are pretty much like last year; try and finish second, have a cup run, build lots of facilities, grow the fanbase and get stuffed by Hollanditis.

fo BakerMan
sy Al Qamşīyah FC
fo BakerMan >> sestdiena jūlijs 31 - 11:28

Well, lost the cup final, looking good for second, facilities being built. Guess it counts as a good season so far.

fo BakerMan
sy Al Qamşīyah FC
fo BakerMan >> sestdiena augusts 21 - 11:55

Season S60 consigned to history - 2nd place secured, cup final lost, stadium level 7 on its way. Good to see a couple more active players in Barbados - here's hoping for more next season.

fo BakerMan
sy Al Qamşīyah FC