Līga - Benina 12.sezona

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Welcome to the Benin Super League (2)

bj xiaox >> svētdiena maijs 11 - 06:26
Welcome to the Benin Super League, Benin Super League has just established, therefore the strength of the team is not strong, at the time of the Benin League will continue to develop, in 5, after the 6 season, we will enter the League 10 Africa before, even a better position, all teams such as Benin super League (7, 8 the team) can take part in the continental League, this is how fun ah, so, please come! At the same time, welcome the new old team if the Benin league.
bj xiaox
hu Gábor >> svētdiena maijs 11 - 08:53
Hello to everyone in the ligánkban.
hu Gábor
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