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Brazil National Team, season 27-29 (8)

no Lied >> sestdiena oktobris 22 - 09:39
I'm going to be your manager for the next 2 seasons and our first qualification match is today against Paraguay.
Paraguay have a decent team overall but lack any real stars, they have the home advantage but a few of our players have the determined speciality, meaning that they play better away.

South America WC qualification, group 2:
no Lied
Zaļš gurķis
br Ademir >> sestdiena oktobris 22 - 09:49
Good Luck

I don't like this qualification format, only 4 matches and a national team can be out of the World Cup.
br Ademir
lv 薯片 >> sestdiena oktobris 22 - 16:38
Good luck Lied! And I already see my players in NT :)
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
no Lied >> sestdiena oktobris 22 - 18:55
Started with a tie against Paraguay. Considering that it was an away match and we had an even amount of shots it's a decent result, considering how few matches there are a loss would be hard to handle.
no Lied
Zaļš gurķis
br DeivBarros >> otrdiena oktobris 25 - 04:33
Good Luck !
br DeivBarros
Zaļš gurķis
br Ademir >> ceturtdiena novembris 3 - 21:44
Fantastic job against Peru!
br Ademir
no Lied >> sestdiena novembris 5 - 07:46
A narrow and much needed win, next up is Paraguay at home. With three points from that match we are in a very good spot.
no Lied
Zaļš gurķis
no Lied >> sestdiena decembris 17 - 12:02
I hate to blame results on bad luck, but that is what it was today. We had more shots away against Peru but still managed to lose 2-0. Against Guyana away we drew 1-1 despite having twice the amount of shots. If only one of those matches had ended in a win we would be in a good position since our two last matches are at home.
no Lied
Zaļš gurķis