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National team / National Selection (3)

ca magic_roy >> pirmdiena novembris 18 - 22:50
****This message is for everyone in our league ****

I would like to know your opinion on selecting players for team Canada.

What do you consider the most important stats when choosing a player?

Do you have players in your team that you think should play?

Any comments is welcome.

I would like to get our league's participaction to be better
So why not start by discussing about our team, TEAM CANADA

Magic Roy
ca magic_roy
cl brainbot >> otrdiena novembris 19 - 16:10
I don´t know what is more important to consider, I am still learning, but with respect to the plays, In my opinion, when there are more than 1 match at the same day or if the match is friendly, you need to prove other players who never play. Always is more important the tournaments and I think the players need to stay to 100% for the match.

cl brainbot
ca magic_roy >> otrdiena novembris 19 - 21:20
good point,

I could make 2 line-up. one for important tournament matches, and another for interleague matches and friendlies.

In my opinion, trainable stats are more important.
I prefer a player with 4 star in scoring, passing, dueling, even if strengh, speed, are lower. You have to concentrate on training main stat to 4 stars. then 3 stars tactics. and you become solid.

Our 21yold players have amazing non-trainable stats, but they dont have 4stars in their main trainable stat... so older, slower players are still the best choice at the moment.
ca magic_roy