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League of Canada [2] - Season 34 (28)

ca Sadrudin >> ceturtdiena novembris 16 - 01:21

Yeah, I know you were joking!smile I just was in a bit of a rush, so I didn't feel like spending too much time explaining my ideas. And writing a large comment.

But basically, I've formulated a strategy over the last few seasons:

  1. Buy mainly youth players. Now I'm trying to purchase quality prospects, even if I have to 'splash the cash' on them a bit more.
  2. Train the youngsters up until they get to a prime market value, or get up to 22, or 23 years old.
  3. Once they reach one of these, then I sell them, even if I need to sell them under their market value - to make more money.

I tried this with one of my star players last year, Daniel Armstrong. Though the problem was, I got too desperate to sell him, and I sold him for almost half of his market value (I sold him for ~29 000 000 RSD)! So although I made ~20 000 000 RSD on him, I could have made a lot more - if I was a bit smarter, and didn't rush things too much.

ca Sadrudin
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ca Sadrudin >> ceturtdiena novembris 16 - 01:24

Adding on to the previous post, my whole ideology is that a player is never bigger than the team, as they come in and go. And even though ultimatly, I want to be in division 1, I want to also set up my squad to be eventually strong enough to be competitive in league 1, not just earn some promotions, every once in a while.

So if that means that my team will struggle for quite a few seasons in the future, I'm up for the challenge!

ca Sadrudin
Zaļš gurķis
ca George LGeorge >> otrdiena novembris 21 - 05:49

sadrudin, i'm curious, how do you think you rushed in selling Daniel Armstrong.  Do you mean you should have kept him for another season or two to further develop his value before selling him?

ca George LGeorge
ca Edmonton Cyclones
ca Shazbozoanate >> otrdiena novembris 21 - 16:14

Oh wow.  Cyclones beat Knockers.  Congrats.  Please tell our audience how you did it?

ca Shazbozoanate
ca Shazland Steamrollers
ca George LGeorge >> otrdiena novembris 21 - 17:30, Labots trešdiena novembris 22 - 08:07

The Edmonton Cyclones would like to invite everyone to the grand opening of our newly upgraded Millennium Centre Stadium.  Millennium Centre has  35,000 capacity with plush vip seating, new media centre, wifi access and top restaurant food and local craft beer offerings to provide the deluxe soccer fan experience in Edmonton.  Our first game will be the u21 game against Kitchener Willows, but the official grand opening will take place at the home game on Thursday, November 23 where the Edmonton Cyclones will host old rivals Kitchener Willows.  Come on out, everyone is invited!

ca George LGeorge
ca Edmonton Cyclones
ca Sadrudin >> svētdiena novembris 26 - 15:29

@George LGeorge, I meant that since the market was sort of messed up in that transfer window, I should have waited for the next (or the one after) transfer window. To get more money for his market value.

Congratulations to George LGeorge for the Edmonton Cyclones beating Knockers; handing Knockers' first loss of the season.

ca Sadrudin
Zaļš gurķis
ca Sadrudin >> svētdiena novembris 26 - 23:41, Labots otrdiena novembris 28 - 03:08

Although I'm naturally dissapointed that I probably won't finish in second place this season. Which would have made it the third straight season in a row that I finished second. I am pleased that I probably will manage a top 4 finish, which was my ultimate goal this season; given the star players that I lost. I was originally factoring that prediction in, with the loss of Hwui-ning Hsi, but that never happened. As I couldn't get an offer for my asking price.

ca Sadrudin
Zaļš gurķis
ca Ron >> otrdiena novembris 28 - 21:12


I had YC and TC maxed 2 seasons ago.....My mistake which cost me was NOT upgrading my stadium from 50K to 70K sooner...It finally finished before the season started...The difference in revenue is staggering...I make almost 6 million a home game now with my catering still a level behind my stadium...

My advice to you all is similar to what sockem said: It is so frustrating bouncing up and down...But what I did and this is no insult to Level 2 but the difference in competition between the two leagues is substantial..When I got releagated the season before...I spent $0 on bringing in new players because I knew I would be able to easily win the division again. Before this season started I had roughly $130 million to spend and I upgraded two strikers and two midfielders who are on par with League competition...This has enabled me to close the gap briefly but I am still far behind but for now...at least there is light at the end of the tunnel...

ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Sadrudin >> svētdiena decembris 3 - 18:03, Labots svētdiena decembris 3 - 18:04

Kitchener Willows FC draw to Edmonton Cyclones 0-0, in Edmonton @ Millenium Centre! A good result for the Willows, away from home in the first leg of season 34, league of Canada 1/2 playoffs!

ca Sadrudin
Zaļš gurķis
ca Sadrudin >> pirmdiena decembris 4 - 23:24

Another 0-0 draw! This time in Kitchener, @ Aivaras Lauinaitis Park! The game went to penalties, resulting in a 5-4 win for the Willows! 

We are on to play Van City FC in the playoff finals!

ca Sadrudin
Zaļš gurķis
ca Ron >> otrdiena decembris 5 - 07:34

@Sadrudin....two things...Good luck in our home and away....and I managed to score tickets to the TFC Seattle MLS Final on Saturday at BMO....Hopefully a better result this year...

ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Sadrudin >> trešdiena decembris 6 - 01:46

Congratulations Ron!

ca Sadrudin
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