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Season 38 (10)

ca Jax >> sestdiena maijs 12 - 00:58

I see Andris was fired.  That's too bad.  Good luck for another season.

ca Jax
ca Ron >> sestdiena maijs 12 - 22:31

It's nice I qualified finally for NA Championship. Still trying to save enough while remaining competitive for next stadium upgrade..

ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Jax >> trešdiena maijs 16 - 19:29, Labots trešdiena maijs 16 - 19:32

@Ron Once you get Stadium 10 done, there's no point in going for 11 until our league popularity goes up.  We've lost a fair amount from last season. 

Offseason Notes:

I invested 500m in my squad this offseason and should pose a larger threat, in the league.

I'm buildling YA2 with 35 days left.  I look forward to developing some new youths for Canada's NT.  Here's one to look forward to...


I'm thinking of making him a Sweeper.

ca Jax
ca Ron >> trešdiena maijs 16 - 22:46

I picked up a couple of great bargains on the cheap for my squad...A forward and mid who will help a lot...Spent a total of 62 million on them both...Also got another defender...Doubt it move me up into top 7 but I should be able to keep 8th especially with the 3 bot teams now...

ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Alex Seymour >> piektdiena maijs 18 - 19:10

I think you should easily make the North Americans with that team Ron.

I am betting Tristeza wins the league again.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
ca Jax >> trešdiena jūnijs 27 - 00:56

I hope you put money down on it Alex...  coolcoolcool

ca Jax
ca Alex Seymour >> trešdiena jūnijs 27 - 01:28

Jax is back...congrats mate!

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
br lujandecuyo >> trešdiena jūnijs 27 - 01:48

Congrats Jax, you were the best

br lujandecuyo
ca Tristeza Nao Tem Fim
ca Ron >> trešdiena jūnijs 27 - 01:58

Congrats...Nice rebound year with the Title

ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Jax >> trešdiena jūnijs 27 - 14:03

Thank you.  I don't know that my team was the best but they outperformed my expectations.  I would've agreed with Alex, before the season.  Regardless, 5 title wins in a row is impressive and something I will likely never achieve.

ca Jax