Līga - Kanāda 52.sezona

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Congratulation (3)

ca magic_roy >> ceturtdiena marts 20 - 12:02
Excellent job from Mississauga United and its manager Brainbot for their 1st place this season.

After 6 championship in a row, the Montreal Impact are happy to see another team finally beating us.

I will fight back hard to regain what I lost but in the meantime, enjoy your title well deserved

ca magic_roy
cl brainbot >> ceturtdiena marts 20 - 13:35
Thank you MagicRoy, I'm very happy, I have fighting from season 1, but now I won, but each day is more hard to win, there are a lot of competition and the players will be getting old.

I´m going to try to keep the title the next season, but will be hard.

Thank you to all for the competition that showed!.

cl brainbot
ca Axel The Great >> ceturtdiena marts 20 - 20:10
Congratulations brainbot you really deserved this one. I hope this is only one of many victories to come.
ca Axel The Great
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